Book review: Heartstrong by Ellidy Pullin


Death is a tragic episode in anyones life however it seems to have a greater affect on people when someone in the prime of their life is suddenly taken.

This was the case with Alex "Chumpy" Pullin.

Chumpy Pullin was an 8 time Olympic champion snow boarder. Raised in the small town of Mansfield that sits at the base of Mount Bulla in the Victorian high country.

Snow covered alps were Chumpys playground and its here that he excelled, yet like most sports people he excelled in everything. He had a zest for life and a thirst for everything that came with it. Not only did he love the mountains but also the ocean, the outdoors, music and all the things that energise one's soul.

Chumpys partner Ellidy also shared his love of nature, music, camping and yoga. They met at the age of 21 and immediately fell in love. They always knew they wanted to start a family but this love story was tragically cut short on 8th July 2020.

Whilst out scuba diving Chumpy suffered a blackout whilst diving in shallow water at the age of 33. This is unfathomable. A fit, healthy and active man who was incredibly experienced in the water, suddenly gone. According to Ellidy her world had stopped. The grief, loss and the enormity of her new reality was slowly starting to envelop her, however this is where this story takes a turn from incredible heartache to one of hope, courage, and admiration.

It's what happens next that keeps the reader glued to the pages of this beautiful, tragic but ultimately uplifting love story. Sperm retrieval from Chumpy was mentioned in the early hours after his passing. Chumpy and Ellidy had been trying for a family for about a year, with little success, but this seemed to be one last chance for them to achieve what they always dreamed of.

Legal loop holes, requirements and state legislation all played a role however the stars ultimately aligned and 15 months later the gorgeous Minnie Alex Pullin arrived.

This is a story of love, loss and miracles, it is heartwarming as much as it is tragic. It shows human resilience nestled in the hands of lifechanging heartache..

This is the ultimate story of finding a positive outcome from a negative situation and beautiful little Minnie is resounding proof that love can conquer almost anything.

I knew Chumpy by association.

We shared a mountain, in my early twenties, working in the Victorian sKi fields. He was a promising young up and coming snow boarder who had a board permanently strapped to one boot. He would win all the seasons snow boarding events, and was very well known around the village. We knew the same people but he was a local lad and we were blow ins for the season, but still not as bad as the tourist crowd. I remember seeing his passing on the news, followed by phone calls from former colleagues who had stayed on the mountain and made a life and raised their families there. This was a huge blow to this community.

Tears flowed whilst reading this beautiful story. You don't realise how far grief filters out and affects people, like little fingers of swirling smoke that permeate through the air and leave a lingering aroma.

This story whilst sad is a beautiful read, co authored with Ally Pascoe, Ellidy Pullin places the reader in every moment both happy and horrific. What shines through is that even in the face of adversity its love, joy and hope that keeps us going in the darkest times of our lives.

Written by Kellie